The Akashic Record is a spiritual resource that holds the history of each soul’s past, present, and future possibilities. Whether you’re looking to understand your current challenges more completely, want to ask questions about past lives and karmic connections, or are simply interested in what messages are waiting for you, there’s so much to access here.

In this intuitive reading, Kristen will share messages anchored and rooted in the highest expression of love. You’ll receive a workbook prior to your session to help you craft areas of exploration or specific questions to ask. And, if you’re unsure what to ask specifically or where you want to start, Kristen will help guide you in the moment.

Whether you’ve had intuitive readings before or are trying it for the first time, know that there is nothing you will learn here that you are not ready for. The energy of the Akashic Record is only concerned with supporting your journey and will only provide information and guidance that will help your expansion and growth.

Connect into your life’s path and purpose, gain deeper clarity and perspective, explore multiple ways forward, and uncover hidden or karmic reasons behind self-sabotaging patterns, energetic roadblocks, or relationship struggles.

What You Can Learn:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the obstacles and challenges you are facing or have faced

  • Receive clarity on the soul-level benefits of different paths when you’re debating a choice

  • Discover your sacred contracts within relationships and whether this incarnation’s agreements have been completed or are still in progress

  • Find out more information on your soul’s lineage and ancestral path by tracing back your lifetimes

  • Understand how your past in this lifetime and previous lifetimes may be contributing to disempowering behaviors, blocks, or fears

  • Learn what next steps you should be making in your career or business and what your soul has to say about how your work/career folds into your journey as a whole

  • Get more clarity on what is energetically standing in your way of moving forward if you’re feeling stuck

What People Are Saying:


Affordability is a core value here at SANCTUARY, if you would like a session and find the cost prohibitive, we invite you use a sliding scale discount code for 20 or 40% off your Akashic Record Reading. Details and codes below in the FAQ section.


  • I’m always able to meet people where they are. No knowledge of the records is required for this session. The Akashic Records is a tool that I use, but ultimately this is an intuitive reading that’s looking at and communicating information about the places you’re curious and the questions you bring with you.

    You’ll also receive a pre-session guidebook to help you feel anchored into the experience before we begin.

  • I think there’s something healthy and human about skepticism when dealing with things we are unfamiliar or don’t fully understand. The most important thing is that you are curious and open to receive messages.

    I welcome critical thinking and thoughtful dialogue.

    If something doesn’t land with you or feels like a miss, please let me know and we’ll explore why that might be. It can be a greater opportunity for clarity from spirit.

    Intuitive readers are interpreters so we are reading your information and energy based on our current world view, perspectives, beliefs and information available to us to reference.

    However, please do not book a session if you feel like you will need to “test” me before being open to messages. It’s really hard to connect to someone’s energy when there is essentially an energetic wall between us that I have to break down.

    And, ultimately, It’s not as enjoyable or powerful of a session for either of us.

  • You can book with any name you’d like, but please note that you will be asked to provide your full, real name in the session as it’s part of the invocation/connection prayer.

    I will never google you or look up your social media before a session. It’s important to me to hold the integrity of our session and to really trust the information that comes forward.

    When it’s helpful to have more details or background in regards to a question you ask, I will ask you directly in your session.

  • I do not connect with your departed friends, family, or connections. It’s a person boundary choice I’ve made doing this work. I have found that I am able to deliver messages of healing around lost loved ones without needing to connect directly to them. These intentional boundaries allow me to protect my energetic and physical space in way that ultimately supports my clients in a more holistic way.

  • I find when people who read their own records are having trouble accessing something, there’s usually two things at play:

    1) You’re too close to it: the unconscious shadow can block information from coming in. There can be a subconscious filter in-between our own records and our reception of the information.

    2) If you’ve been trying to connect with your records but can’t it might be that you need more practice understanding how your specific intuition talks to you or how the records communicate through you.

    Getting a reading from a seasoned, objective channel is deeply beneficial to even the most practiced intuitives.

  • Yes, you can do that here. It’s important to make sure that the person you are gifting the session to is open and ready to receive it. Please note that we are not responsible for making sure the recipient books and uses their session.


My name is Kristen Rice. I’m a clairvoyant seer trained in behavioral health who offers akashic record readings, human design deep dives, and sacred soul tending through my signature coaching programs. I’ve spent over 1500 hours holding space for growth and transformation, and it’s truly an honor to be invited into each healing journey. I believe every person, no matter what you’ve experienced, can find joy and belonging—I, in many ways, am proof of that.