Race In America: History To Know

Toxic positivity doesn’t live here.

I want you to know that there is a belief by many in the spiritual community if you look or talk about what isn’t working that you’ll attract more of that. It’s not true.

If you only live your life only looking at love & light and refuse to look at what else is happening, you cannot possibly reach your spiritual potential because you are completely denying your full experience. Life is multifaceted.

In the shadows is where the wisdom lives.

While the Law of Attraction is a beautiful blueprint for how to raise your vibration and increase your ability to manifest and create a life you love, it exists alongside a number of natural laws.

We live in a world of cycles, duality, rising and falling, peaks and valleys, and if we are not open to learn from the darkest moments in our lives we will not be able to truly climb out of it to the mountain top.

As a collective, we are in a space of seeing all the ways our society is not working the way we’d like it to.

Slavery existed just over 150 years ago. People of color were only considered 3/5ths a person by law in the United States sanctioned by all Churches except the Quakers. According to our founding fathers and The Church, God approved of slavery and felt that it was the duty of slaves to be loyal to their owners.

Separate, but equal was only 120 years ago, that’s less than two generations back that white ancestors did not want to be in the same room as people of color. And many still had paid domestic servants.

Two generations.

Two generations.

Two generations.

Our grandparents.

Our grandparents.

Our grandparents.

Racism that ingrained in the forming of a country and with the belief that it was supported by God does not leave us in one generation of so-called tolerance.

Everything you need to know about race in America can be seen in the pictures of police responding to passive unarmed People of Color protesting with fire and aggression VS. crowds of white belligerent people with machine guns strapped to their backs screaming in the face of cops at state capitals.

Peaceful POC = police aggression 

Belligerent White people = police restraint

As a part of the spiritual community, it is our job to uphold the values and morals that are so ingrained in our belief system. We don’t do that by believing them in silence and turning our backs to the injustice.

We do that by sacrificing our popularity, our comfort, and convenience for what’s right.


White Privilege doesn’t mean that your life has been easy, it simply means your life isn’t harder because of your skin color.

This is also a great article about white privilege: https://www.tolerance.org/magazine/fall-2018/what-is-white-privilege-really


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