Holiday Tip: Call In Grace

One of the most powerful, simple rituals I’ve found is sending love ahead of me when things seem like they might be a bit messy.

For some, family can be their greatest source of security, stability, trust, love, and belonging.

For others, family might be the single biggest catalyst into all of their pain.

For many, it’s a complicated bit of both. Our familial relationships hold so many-layered lessons, blessings, and karmic teachings.

Grace shows up in small acts of love towards ourselves and others. If we send grace ahead of our challenges and connect into our love over our fear, hurt, anxiety, etc., it allows us to act from an empowered place instead of a wounded place.

Simple practice: On days you feel might be more challenging than others, set aside some time to meditate or pray for the happiness of every single person you will come in contact with.

Even the hard to love or empathize with person—especially that person. That’s the person we need to send love to the most. That’s the person we’re doing this for (besides yourself obviously).

By connecting into each person in the presence of love, seeing how their behavior changes if they were genuinely happy, we can see the innocence in each person underneath their wounds.

This practice changes how you show up to the table, and it will change how you see any triggering or bad behavior. It shows the truth that pain comes from pain, and something is comforting when we can see “bad behavior” for what it is—calling out and longing for love.

When we ground the day in love, we feel the presence of grace.


Fall Reflection Journal Prompts