How To Talk To Your Spirit Guides


Whether or not you’re talking directly to your spirit guides, they’re always there, the question is are you listening?

Developing a deeper, connected relationship with your guides and other spirit helpers will create a powerful anchor for you to move through the world.

As with all relationships, your relationships to your guides will become more fulfilling and nurturing hold the more you practice active listening to understand what they have to say. From there, you use your own autonomy, personal power, and discernment to make decisions.

(Don’t forget about your Human Design Authority when you make personal decisions!)


Spirit Guides are light beings (upper world spirits) whose jobs are to help you become the highest manifestation of yourself.

You may have one spirit guide or many. They may stay with you through your whole life or may come in and out for different parts of your journey to help with specific things.

  • They help orchestrate events and synchronicities that will move you toward your potential and away from self-destructive patterns.

  • They throw in roadblocks when you’re going down the wrong path.

  • They shut doors when the doors need to be shut.

  • They give miles of green lights when you’re going the right way.

  • They direct you to take a different route home when there’s about to be an accident the other way.

  • They whisper in your ear things like “sit there, next to that person” without your conscious awareness.

Spirit guides are our eternal and ever-present support system. No matter what you’re facing, when you’re connected into your guides, you can face it head on knowing that you’re never in it alone.

Are You Willing To Be Directed

For most people, holding onto certainty and controlling becomes a protective mechanism that helps us to feel safe. Control is sold as an answer to a lot of problems, but trying to have control an uncontrollable world can be very uncomfortable and anxiety producing in itself. It’s becomes a resistance to some of the core truths: nothing is certain and everything changes.

There are four steps to building your relationship with your Spirit Guides:

1 Asking Empowering Questions

2 Listening

2 Using Your Discernment

3 Taking Faithful Action

How To Listen or watch for guidance

The world around us is in a constant state of movement, but our attention and focus—what we pay attention to and what holds us, is deeply personal.

You can walk the same path every day for a year and never see a deer. Then, you suddenly see six in one walk. There were always deer there, but your focus is being pulled and they are making themselves known.

The natural world, is a material reflection of our spiritual world.


  • The ease and flow in some spaces.

  • The roadblocks and closed doors in others.

  • The places where it feels like things couldn’t be easier and other places where it feels incredibly hard.

  • The days when a butterfly, bird, snake, etc comes out of nowhere and sits right beside you.

Listening is about bringing the awareness of your guides into your conscious reality. They’ve always been there, but you haven’t cultivated the act of listening or looking for how they communicate with you.

In your first phases of listening, I want you to start using the phrase “Isn’t that interesting?”

For example: Everytime I’m supposed to meet with xxxx, something comes up and we’re unable to connect. Isn’t that interesting?

The more you tune into the way the universe works, the energetic patterns, and pay attention to how things play out when they are out of your control, the more you will find coincidences and synchronicities all feel divinely orchestrated. They don’t happen by chance.

Natural intelligence is purposeful. Spirit is purposeful. Life is purposeful.

Discernment is Deeply Important

There is a difference between needing to put in hard work or effort to reach a challenging goal and being met with out of the ordinary roadblocks. The idea that everything that is meant for us should be completely easy and effortless is problematic for many reasons. Our growth edges always require a certain level of grit to meet grace.

You can envision your life as a kingdom that you are the Queen/King of with your spirit guides being trusted advisors. Your guides and advisors share added perspective and guidance, but ultimately the power and decisions must come from you.

Our guides are NOT here for us to outsource our power. Your free will and choice are the most powerful things you have in this life.

And, all spirts are not created equal. Some guides may be more protective while others may be more supportive. Some ancestors may be reinforcing an ancestral pattern you’re trying to break. And, not all spirits are high-level spirit guides. Earth-bound spirits can also send messages your way. Pay attention to the energy of the guidance and how it makes you feel. Does it make you feel anxious or fearful? It’s probably not a spirit guide.

If you’re interested in learning how to work with your guides and develop a deeper relationship with spirit and your intuition, learn more about private spiritual mentorship.


For those ready to elevate and expand their lives through deeper connection to themselves, others, and the spiritual world. Learn how to honor and trust your own intuitive guidance and set aside self-sabotaging patterns for emotional and spiritual growth and expansion.

Your Intuitive Guide / KRISTEN RICE

My name is Kristen Rice and I’m a clairvoyant seer trained in behavioral health who offers akashic record readings, human design deep dives, and sacred soul-tending through my signature coaching programs.

I’ve spent over 1500 hours holding space for growth and transformation, and it’s truly an honor to be invited into each healing journey. I believe every person, no matter what you’ve experienced, can find joy and belonging.


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