A Year-End Review: Exercise and prompts to close out the year

A Year-End Review: reflection exercise and prompts to close out the year

As we find ourselves on the other side of the Winter Solstice and the year's end, we are naturally drawn into a period of deep introspection. This time, aligned with the quiet, reflective nature of winter, invites us to look back before we look forward, to understand our journey through the past year. It's a time to acknowledge our experiences, learn from them, and envision how we wish to evolve in the coming year.

This post will walk through a visual exercise to chart your yearly journey and offer reflective prompts to help you connect with your personal growth themes for the year.

The Significance of Winter Reflection

Winter, with its shorter days and longer nights, creates a natural backdrop for introspection. It's a season that mirrors the process of looking inward, encouraging us to slow down and reflect on our personal growth and challenges. As we align with this seasonal rhythm, we also join a collective process of year-end reflection, a time-honored tradition of taking stock of our lives and setting intentions for the new year.

Charting Your Yearly Journey: The Exercise

This exercise is about creating a visual representation of your past year - a map that charts the highs and lows, the moments of joy and challenge, and everything in between. You'll need a large sheet of paper or a journal, colored pens or markers, and a quiet space to reflect.

An End-Of-The-Year Timeline Review:

  1. Draw Your Timeline: Start by drawing a horizontal line across the middle of your paper. This line represents your journey through the past year, from last January to this December.

  2. Marking the Moments: Reflect on the past year and mark significant moments along the timeline. Use upward arrows for highs – achievements, joyful moments, and growth. Use downward arrows for lows – challenges, losses, and difficult times.

  3. Add Descriptions: Next to each arrow, write a brief note about what that moment was and how it impacted you. Try to be as specific as possible.

  4. Color Coding Emotions, Patterns, or Themes: Assign colors to different types of experiences or emotions. This will help you visually process the emotional landscape of your year.

Deepening the Reflection: Thought-Provoking Prompts

As you review your chart, use these prompts to guide your reflection and uncover deeper insights:

  • Understanding the Lows: What did the challenging times teach you? How did they contribute to your personal growth?

  • Celebrating the Highs: What achievements are you most proud of? How did these moments of joy and success shape your year?

  • Patterns and Lessons: Are there any patterns or recurring themes? What lessons can you carry forward into the new year?

  • Letting Go: What are you ready to leave behind as you enter 2024? How can releasing these elements empower your journey ahead?

  • The Big Picture: Journal on and finish this phrase “2023 was the year that I……”

After Reflection, Comes Direction

As you reflect and complete this exercise, you’ll see that the process isn’t just about looking back at what’s been, but is also a powerful tool for moving forward with clarity and purpose. Embrace this reflective time to honor your experiences and set your intentions for a vibrant and fulfilling 2024.

What intentions do you want to set for the new year? How do these reflect the insights gained from your yearly review? Journal on and finish this phrase “2024 will be the year that I…..”

There’s no need to set arbitrary goals for the new year just to have it “done” by January 1st. The more time you put into understanding where you’ve been and where you want to go, the more aligned your goals will be, and the deeper impact they will have.


Looking For A One Time Energy Assessment and Soulful, Strategic Support?

Discover your path to clarity and renewal with a Soulful Strategy Guidance Session. In the spirit of the Winter Solstice, embrace the opportunity for transformation and introspection. Our personalized guidance sessions are designed to help you navigate life’s complexities with greater ease and understanding.

Why Choose Sanctuary Guidance?

  • Tailored Support: Sessions customized to your unique journey and challenges.

  • Expert Insight: Experienced guidance to help you find balance and direction.

  • Practical Strategies: Empower yourself with tools for lasting change and growth.

Begin Your Journey of Self-Discovery during this time of reflection and new beginnings. Let this season be the start of a guided,, transformative journey.

Book Your Session Now: Take the step towards a more centered and purposeful life and schedule your session and embark on a path of personal growth and enlightenment.


New Year Review, Intention Setting, and Goal Series:


Want Soulful Support For The New Year? Book A Reading:


Effective Intention Setting: Balancing Aspiration with Reality


Winter Solstice Journaling for Inner Reflection