How to Find Your Core Values and Why It Matters

By knowing who you are and what you value, you come to life’s choices with the most powerful tool of all—your full self.
— Susan David, PhD

Do you know what your core values are?

Your values are the things that you consider most important in life, and they serve as the guiding principles for your actions and decisions. Ultimately, your core values reflect your beliefs and priorities, and they shape your behavior and relationships.

Knowing and embracing your core values allows you to live in alignment with what matters most to you. This can enhance your sense of purpose and direction, and leads to greater satisfaction and well-being. Additionally, when you understand your core values, you can make decisions that are consistent with those values, leading to a more fulfilling and authentic life.

Finding your core values can be a powerful process of self-discovery that can help you understand yourself better, engage more meaningfully with others, and the world around you, and can help provide a sense of direction and purpose in life. It involves self-reflection, exploration, and honesty.

To help you get started, here are some key questions to ask yourself:

  • What do I believe in?

  • What do I care about?

  • What makes me happy and fulfilled?

  • What do I want to contribute to the world?

For a full list of values and extra exercises, download the free Values & Integrity workbook below.

Once you have identified some of your core values, you can explore and understand them more fully. This may involve examining the evidence and reasoning that support your values, as well as considering alternative perspectives and ideas. It can also involve questioning and challenging your values, to ensure that they are well-founded and in alignment with your goals and beliefs.

When you understand your values and start to see your daily habits, patterns, and choices in that context, you bring more awareness and opportunities for growth and greater alignment.

Learn more about spiritual mentorship

For those ready to elevate and expand their lives through deeper connection to themselves, others, and the spiritual world. Learn how to honor and trust your own intuitive guidance and set aside self-sabotaging patterns for emotional and spiritual growth and expansion. Book a free exploratory call.



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